ghost town/ vulnerary ๐Ÿ‘ป

maybe should be titled ‘vulnerable’, yeah…

“I don’t usually-“

The memory of you, meant for my soul alone to experience, will never be shared with another living soul. At a point of my existence where I felt quite lonely and fatigued, you caused me to phoenix into an ascended state. But the nature of the phoenix is rebirth from death. I had to die first to what I knew into uncharted territory. I don’t miss my past lives much.

We didn’t have smartphones then, and I didn’t have a camera. I cherish the memory of you, hold it dear to my heart full of terpenes & fiji. You take me out of my comfort zone, and I’d happily stress myself out over you. Blindfolded, you make me look silly. a fool of love. But if other’s don’t understand, it’s not my problem… ๐Ÿ’–

as much as I love you, however, we must part ways if you insist on living in this city. i wish I could take you along with, maybe later. ๐Ÿ˜‰ i just want us to cross paths again. The people here are miserable. You know how Jonah flew the other way and said, ‘to hell with Nineveh?’ but this ain’t Nineveh, and I ain’t Jonah ๐Ÿ˜‚ i wish they were happier. but I have outgrown this place, once the zenith of civilization, is now a tourist trap of economic inequality. Maybe it’ll change, I hope it does. but while people are hating, i had my hat over my eyes trying to get some zzz’s before the next flight out. Imagine if you died right this moment, and your last thought was ‘Fuck this guy’ (and not in a good way lol), wouldn’t that be tragic? I know I do


the memory of you, meant for my soul alone to experience, will never be shared with another living soul. i will take it to the earth once my life departs from me, dissolving into the soil & giving bloom to the roses desired by our children.


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